Orders for private accounts or misplaced accounts are eligible for a full refund.
An order cannot be canceled before the start of the service delivery. If we encounter problems delivering your service, you are entitled to a full refund. In case you are not satisfied with the quality of our service, we will always be open to finding a solution to deliver the services to your satisfaction.
If the cancellation comes while we have already started delivering the services, you will get a full refund.
For successfully completed orders we cannot offer refunds, only in very rare cases and based on the circumstances we will offer a refund.
You as a consumer must agree that you are not entitled to a refund after the order has been accomplished.
For certain services, there are delays in the numbers, but if you have a cancelation request, but we will provide a full refund.
For any applicable refunds, we will use the same payment method unless another payment method is specified.
If you are a customer from the European Union, please note that UE offers a platform for Online Disputes Resolutions, make sure you visit this for more details: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Purchasing Items Featured on our Website: The company takes reasonable precautions to try to ensure that any prices quoted on the Website are correct and to describe the items available on the Website as accurately as possible. If a Product or Service described on the Website is not as described when you receive or use it, you should contact our customer service department at promotespotify@gmail.com